Java Testing Tools and Frameworks Summary:
This guide will supply a summary of the automated testing tools specific to different segments for JAVA/J2EE software.
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The majority of the renowned Java testing tools are open-source and originated from JUnit. These tools differ based on their view, business logic, and validation aspects.
This is the concluding instalment in our series on JAVA/J2EE testing.
Review the earlier segments:
Segment 1: Examination of Java Applications
Segment 2: Introduction to Automated Testing for JAVA Applications
- Leading Java Automated Testing Tools List
- JavaScript/JQuery/AngularJS (Validation for the view component)
- JSP (JAVA Server Pages – The View Component)
- JSF (JAVA Server Faces – The View Component)
- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- Servlet, Bean, and JAVA Classes
- EJB (Enterprise JAVA Bean)
- Java Functional Testing Tools
- JAVA Performance and Load Testing Tools
- Conclusion
Top Java Automated Testing Tools Compilation
Let’s get started.
JavaScript/JQuery/AngularJS (Validation for the view component)
JavaScript/JQuery is frequently utilised to validate the view component, e.g. JSP or JSF.
The key JavaScript testing tools are:
#1) JSUnit
JSUnit is an open-source Unit testing structure for JavaScript. It is easy to learn JSUnit if you are familiar with JUnit, as they are an extension of each other. Even though JSUnit is no longer updated, developers have shifted their focus to creating the Jasmine framework.
Find out more on this page.
#2) Jasmine
Jasmine is an open-source Unit Testing framework for JavaScript. Jasmine relies on RSpec, JSpec, JSSpect, and Screwunit, among other unit testing frameworks. A Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) method is used by Jasmine for JavaScript testing and is famously used for AngularJS application testing.
Jasmine uses two primary blocks – the describe and the it blocks. The describe block organises test cases with similar features, while the it block contains particular test cases. See this page for more details.
Jasmine tests can be easy to execute since the test cases are written in a style similar to English sentences.
Here’s an example:
JavaScript Function:
function sayHi() { return "Hi!"; }
This is how a Jasmine test case would look:
describe("Say Hi", function() { it("should return hi", function() { expect(sayHi()).toEqual("Hi!"); }); });
#3) Karma
Karma is used primarily as a Unit Testing instrument for Angular JS applications (Angular JS is a JavaScript structure maintained by Google). The Angular JS team at Google handles Karma. It carries out test cases detailed in the configuration file karma.conf.js and shows the results in the command prompt.
For more detail, visit this site.
#4) Qunit
Qunit is a JQuery Unit testing structure developed by the JQuery team. Although primarily created for testing JQuery code, QUnit can also be used to test regular JavaScript code. QUnit is user-friendly and comprehensible. Moreover, the test results are shown in a user-friendly format. For more information, visit this page.
Among other Unit testing tools for JavaScript are FireUnit, RhinoUnit, TestSwarm, BrowserSwarm, Mocha, Chai, and Sinon.
JSP (JAVA Server Pages – The View Component)
JSP is converted into a Servlet, which is a Java class, while functioning. While JUnit can be used for testing JSPs, it is preferable to involve JSPs in functional or integration testing from a design standpoint, though unit testing can also be carried out. Because JSPs are closely linked with the servlet container, individual testing requires the simulation of request and response behaviour. TagUnit can be used for testing the taglibs within JSP Pages. More information about these frameworks is provided below.
#5) TagUnit
JSP tags are elements that assist in component modularity and reusability in JSP. Tags are written in Java classes and can be used within JSPs like any other tag.
Direct testing of tags using JUnit is not possible because tag classes are called only when a JSP is converted to a Servlet. Please see here for more information.
Below is a sample intrinsic code tag:
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> <html> <head> <title </title> </head> <body> <c:forEach var="countvar" begin="1" end="4"> Count <c:out value="${countvar}"/> </c:forEach> </body> </html>
TagUnit provides a screen to output results. It initially checks if the tags have relevant handlers and getter/setter methods. Here is a sample TagUnit test case:
<tagunit:assertEquals name="Count"> <tagunit:actualResult> <c:forEach var="countvar" items="1,2,3,4"> <c:out value="${countvar}"/></c:forEach> </tagunit:actualResult> <tagunit:expectedResult>1234</tagunit:expectedResult> </tagunit:assertEquals>
#6) Tagit is also a useful tool for testing JavaScript, JQuery, and JSP Custom tags.
Further information can be found here.
#7) Cactus was a Unit testing structure for testing Servlets, EJBs, and JSP tags, but it is no longer functional or supported.
#8) Selenium WebDriver is an open-source testing instrument for web applications. WebDriver simulates user behaviour on the web, and it is compatible with several browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, and others. Visit the official Selenium WebDriver site to learn more.
Recommended reading: To learn more about WebDriver, see this post.
#9) JSPUnit is a JUnit extension for Unit testing JSPs.
More details can be found here.
#10) HTMLUnit is an open-source library and headless browser. It simulates browser behaviour and is primarily used for integration testing. JSPs are built to function within the web container and are converted to Servlets when the web server runs. HTMLUnit can be used to test the view part without needing a container.
For testing, JSPs are manually converted into Servlet classes using Jasper. The container won’t be required in this case, so request and response behaviour needs to be simulated. This is carried out by creating mock objects of JSPWriter, PageContext, HttpServletRequest, and HttpServletResponse. More details are available here.
JSF (JAVA Server Faces – The View Component)
JSF is an online structure for the development of user interface (UI) components. UI components can be easily created using a set of reusable components. It is an MVC-based structure along the lines of Struts and it includes Servlets, XML, Beans, and JSF Tags.
Suggestion: JSF Interview Questions and Answers
#11) JSFUnit, from the JBoss community, is a potent tool for unit and integration testing. It can test both the view component and the server-side component. JSFUnit not only tests user screen navigation but can also be used to test bean and servlet components of the structure.
More information can be found here.
#12) HTMLUnit is widely used for integration testing in JSF framework developed apps. More details are available here.
JUnit can also be used to test POJOs in the JSF framework. Tools like FacesTester can be used for out-of-container unit testing of JSF-based apps. The Java Server Faces implementer, Apache MyFaces, also provides a JSF testing structure.
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
#13) XMLUnit is a JUnit extension that performs structure validations and content comparisons between actual and expected XML. More information can be found here.
Servlet, Bean, and JAVA Classes
(JAVA Classes for Controller and Business Logic)
#14) Servlets are Java classes that execute on a web or application server. They handle requests and responses from the view component (JSP/JSF). Beans are Java classes that encapsulate multiple objects into one object which can be passed to other classes or components.
Several other Java classes are used in an application. Some connect to a database while others consist of business logic.
#15) JUnit is among the most widely used frameworks for Unit testing Java classes.
For more Junit specific information, visit here.
#16) Arquillian is a powerful tool for Integration and Functional testing of Java middleware. It is commonly used with the Maven build tool and on top of Unit Testing frameworks such as JUnit and TestNG. Arquillian eliminates the need to create mock objects. Arquillian can be used to test JSF, EJB, Servlets, and other Java classes.
For more details, see here.
#17) ServletUnit is a structure dedicated to testing Servlets by creating request and response objects. If the servlet contains only simple code, Unit testing can be carried out with JUnit. However, for complex applications requiring simulated Servlet container testing, ServletUnit can be used.
For more details, see here.
#18) Mock objects are primarily used for Unit Testing. They help in testing the relations between objects in an application. If an object depends on other objects, mocking the dependencies allows each object to be tested in isolation and in detail, without needing to create real objects.
Famous mock frameworks include Mockito, JMock, JMockit, EasyMock, and PowerMock.
EJB (Enterprise JAVA Bean)
EJBs are Java components in an application which typically contain business logic. JUnitEE can be used for EJB-focused projects, although JUnit remains a popular choice.
#19) JUnitEE is a JUnit extension that operates directly within the same application server as the project. JUnitEE provides three Servlets that call regular JUnit test cases.
More information can be found here or here.
Swing is a collection of libraries in Java used to build rich graphical user interfaces. UISpec4J, Abbot, Fest, and QF-Test are some of the most famous Unit testing frameworks for Swing-based apps.
Suggested Reading: Java Swing Tutorial
Java Functional Testing Tools
#20) HTTPUnit is a JUnit-based Functional testing framework, but it can also be utilised for Unit Testing. It simulates browser behaviour such as form submission, page redirection, JS validation, and cookie management. HTTPUnit simulates a browser’s GET and POST requests.
For more information, check here.
#21) JWebUnit is a Java-based framework that is preferred for Functional, Regression, and Integration testing. It simplifies the interface for writing test cases by surrounding existing frameworks such as Selenium and HTMLUnit. JWebUnit is efficient at testing screen navigation.
For more information, check here.
#22) TestNG is a powerful Java-based testing framework for Unit, Integration, and Functional testing. It relies on JUnit and is seen as a close competitor to JUnit.
For more information, see here.
#23) Selenium WebDriver, as originally mentioned is another popular tool for functional and integration testing.
#24) WATIR (Web Application Testing in Ruby) is a powerful tool for testing web applications. It was developed in Ruby and requires testers to be familiar with the Ruby language, as the browser testing functionalists are written in Ruby.
There are two main projects: Watir-classic and Watir-Webdriver. Watir-classic can drive a web browser automatically unlike other