A Guide to Backend Testing and Its Effective Implementation
Software applications are complex and involve more aspects than what is immediately apparent.
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The majority of system testing endeavors are centered on the GUI since testing validates the software’s ‘fitness for use’ from the end-user’s perspective. Since GUI is utilized by end-users and ourselves, it is vital that software performs exceptionally in this aspect.
Nevertheless, a software solution comprises many other components that are not directly visible or accessible for immediate user interaction. These components bear significant importance and necessitate thorough testing.
The combination of all these well-functioning components contributes to a comprehensive software application. All elements that are not directly visible can be collectively identified as the ‘Back-end’.
Elements involved in Backend Testing include:
- Database
- APIs
- Servers
Depending on the nature of the application, the back-end might encompass a range of network configurations, communication protocols, and more. However, in most scenarios, it consists of the three elements mentioned above.
Let’s now delve into the testing carried out for each of these components.
Backend Database Testing
‘Back-end Testing’ generally corresponds to Database testing.
The database forms an integral part of any application. When the GUI and the DB interface seamlessly, the application functions effectively. But any issues can result in inconsistent outcomes, security risks, and performance chokepoints.
Typically, databases are checked for:
- ACID properties
- CRUD operations
- Schema
- Migration
- Business rule alignment
- Security
- Performance
Advanced ETL and data warehouse management systems also necessitate exhaustive testing.
For more insights about these tests, please refer to the following articles already presented on our site:
- Everything About Database Testing – What, How, and What to Test?
- ETL vs. DB Testing
- ETL Testing – Tips, Techniques, Procedure, and Challenges
Beyond the content presented in the links above, it’s fundamental to underline that Database, ETL, and Data warehouse testing demand a profound understanding of SQL.
Testers often employ different tools to interact with and verify the DB behavior using queries.
Let’s examine some categories of these Backend Database testing tools:
#1) Interfaces that facilitate connection to and execution of queries against databases.
A few of these interfaces feature GUIs, while others do not.
- TOAD: This tool is widely recognized. It’s compatible with multiple DBs and platforms, and offers both free and paid versions. More information, resources, and the free version are available on toadworld
- pHpMyAdmin: This remarkable open-source tool enables running queries and interacting with your DB through a user interface. Personally, I have utilized this tool, and my team appreciates its intuitive nature. No training was needed to become comfortable with it. I strongly recommend this tool if you’re working with MySQL and MariaDB databases. More information can be found at phpmyadmin
- HeidiSQL: This tool is quite similar to pHpMyAdmin. It can connect to MySQL, Microsoft SQL databases, and PostgreSQL. It is open-source. More information can be found at heidisql
The tools list is exhaustive, but the options mentioned above are some of the highly preferred choices.
#2) DB load and performance benchmarking tools:
- HammerDB: This open-source tool is preferred by many DB specialists. Although I have not personally used it, it supports a variety of databases. Based on screenshots and reviews, it appears to be a tool worth investigating. More details can be found at hammerdb
- SLOB: The Silly Little Oracle Benchmark tool helps you gauge the I/O pattern of DB transactions. It provides insights into CPU, Memory, and processing times for bulk transactions on your system. More details are available at kevinclosson
- Swingbench:This tool is comparable to HammerDB. It is effective for Oracle DBs. For a deeper understanding of the tool and its capabilities, refer to this guide: dominicgiles
API Testing
Technically speaking, APIs are not regarded as a part of the back-end. But as we’re combining everything that is not visible to the end-user under the back-end category, we will shortly mention API testing as well.
API stands for Application Program Interface, which is where the programming logic is housed. APIs lack a user interface, which presents a significant test challenge. Conversely, as APIs are generally developed before the application’s UI, API testing typically involves testing in the early phases.
Similarly to direct input and output data transmission, API testing uses messaging and send/receive calls.
SOAPUI is the preferred tool for API testing.
- STH provides a comprehensive tutorial on SoapUI: 15+ SoapUI Tutorials – Your Comprehensive Guide to SoapUI
- HP UFT can also contribute to API testing. Check out: 16 New Features of HP UFT – QTP vs UFT
All databases and applications are hosted on servers, which ensure the functionality of these systems.
Several tests are performed on these servers:
#1) Installation: Following the completion of installation, it is crucial to verify if the files/elements are correctly positioned in their designated folders. If you’re uncertain about the location, contact your development or deployment teams for verification.
Although not compulsory, this step is critical if a company employs manual deployments. In such situations, it can become a crucial smoke/sanity test step.
#2) Logs: Servers maintain logs for monitoring the status of each transaction. These logs offer insights into the general success of the end-to-end process.
Occasionally, valid data is transmitted from the front end to the database, but an exception arises, leading to memory leaks or dysfunctions. In such situations, server-side logs divulge this invaluable information.
Typically, most servers are UNIX-based systems, and establishing a connection is necessary to interact effectively with them.
PuTTY is the top choice for server connections. Putty is an open-source product that doesn’t require installation. Merely download and use it.
UNIX systems don’t have a graphical user interface, making them suitable for application and DB servers. They offer security, abstraction, speed, and cost-efficiency. As GUI is lacking, we must depend on commands to interact with the server. Various resources for UNIX commands are available, and I personally recommend freeengineer.
#3) Server performance and security:
Like other software elements, servers must offer security and responsiveness.
Numerous tools exist for checking server performance and security. To identify the best fit for your requirements, refer to this list: 30+ Most Popular Web Application Testing Tools
You may have observed that this article alone can’t provide a comprehensive understanding of Backend testing. Nonetheless, it offers resources and references that will assist you in mastering this field. Thus, consider saving it for future reference!
Also, for those who consider functional testing to be exclusively focused on the GUI and front end, this article emphasizes that this is not so.
Whether you’re examining the DB, assessing transaction status logs, or sending a request message to a particular service, you’re validating the software’s usability.
In other words, you’re evaluating its functionality. The difference lies in ‘where you test’ and ‘how you test’.
Much like a successful application requires functionality from all angles, we, as testers, must inspect various aspects of software to deem it fit for use.
About the author: This article was penned by Swati S., a team member at STH.
Now, it’s your time to contribute!
Please share your thoughts on this article. Do you perform any other kinds of backend testing? What tools do you employ? Have you found any particular techniques to be beneficial? Are there any challenges that you face?
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